Leonidas Raptakis, Democratic Incumbent Candidate for State Senate, District 33

raptakis1. What are your top 3 legislative priorities, and why do you feel that these are the most important on which to focus?

My top three legislative priorities are:

  • reforming state government/making the legislative process more transparent;
  • listening to my constituents and acting on their concerns;
  • and improving the state’s small business climate

How do you distinguish yourself from your opponent?

I have a track record of fighting for the communities I represent and standing up to legislative leadership on issues ranging from opposing truck tolls to rejecting insider deals like 38 Studios. My opponent talks about wanting to do things I have already been fighting for. He talks about being a leader with no record of leadership. And he’s not even transparent about his own career, claiming to work for a Fortune 500 company, but unwilling to admit that company is R.J. Reynolds.

3. Our Governor has been very vocal in criticizing President Trump and his agenda. Do you agree with her, or do you feel we should be supporting him?

The Trump agenda has been a mishmash of uncertainty, bluster, and failed promises. Getting us into costly and unnecessary trade wars, antagonizing long- standing allies while publicly praising authoritarian regimes, is a sign of confused and ineffective leadership. When he starts promoting policies worthy of support, he’ll have earned my support. That has yet to happen.

4. Do you feel it’s important/appropriate for our State Rep. to be involved in town politics/issues? Why or why not? If you do feel it is important/appropriate, in what ways would you be involved?

Absolutely. State Representatives and Senator represent their various communities and play a vital role in being a voice for the cities and towns they represent in the State House. I regularly attend local council meetings and communicate with town officials to make sure we are helping them in promoting legislation they feel is necessary and opposing those measures which could harm our communities.

5. Do you have any plans on how to recruit more businesses to Rhode Island and, more specifically, our district? Do you have a vision on other ways to grow Rhode Island’s  economy?

We need to do a better job of ending the “you gotta know a guy” mentality that continues to dominate state government. And we need more elected officials who understand what it takes to run a small business and support those who are trying to launch them. Too often, we focus on big, splashy economic development projects that involve taxpayer giveaways when we should be focusing on sensible, sustainable programs to help existing businesses grow and encourage new ones to launch in Rhode Island.

6. Do you support universal healthcare and/or Medicaid for all Rhode Islanders? Why or why not?

I think we need to look at ways of improving the quality and delivery of health care services in our state. I think we need to take gradual steps to move in that direction rather committing to costly approaches that will leave us in dire financial straits, struggling to keep up with our neighboring states.

7. Do you support codifying Roe vs. Wade to protect a woman’s right to choose in R.I. in the event the decision is overturned federally? Why or why not?

If Congress or the Supreme Court acts to undo Roe vs. Wade, then the General Assembly should take action to keep that standard, which has guided us since 1973, intact.

8. Taxes in R.I. are pretty high. Do you feel lowering taxes is important? How would you make up the missed revenue and/or maintain services?

I think we have to look at lowering taxes on smaller businesses to encourage their growth and development in Rhode Island. I think we need to be sensible about remaining on a comparable footing with neighboring states so that we don’t put ourselves at a competitive disadvantage when it comes comes to our sales, personal income, and corporate tax rates.

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